Bone Broth Revisited

You’ve likely heard various diet fads touting the incredible benefits of bone broth: a slow-cooked broth made with animal bones.  You can purchase jars of bone broth at most health food stores for anywhere from $9 to $20 a pint.  But do the physical benefits your body gets really merit that kind of expense? If … Continue reading Bone Broth Revisited

Fighting Cancer Naturally

As far as I can tell, I don't have any more cancer. Yet. I felt a lump on my neck a few months ago and decided to have it checked out at the doctor. They ended up doing an ultrasound of my thyroid gland, which led to a biopsy, which eventually led to a very … Continue reading Fighting Cancer Naturally

Real Roots Root Beer!

I'm making a blog post about this because the Facebook post went viral. I'm guessing you guys are interested in making root beer! I had a lot of sassafras saplings coming up into my raspberry patch, so I went in there with my shovel and dug a bunch of them out. Sassafras roots always break … Continue reading Real Roots Root Beer!

Black Walnuts!

If you live anywhere in the Eastern or Central United States, you have probably seen a black walnut tree. Black walnuts (juglans nigra) grow from New England through Wyoming and are wildly prolific. Just try digging up a sapling somewhere... they root in like a badass and if you don't want that tree to grow … Continue reading Black Walnuts!

Maintaining a Healthy Urinary Tract

This is one of the articles I wrote during my Herbalist Certification course. It's chock full of good information about urinary tract health, so if you have bladder issues, pay attention! References are cited at the bottom of the page. (This is the image that came up when I googled "pee") Just like the book … Continue reading Maintaining a Healthy Urinary Tract